
Introducing Zearalenone Flex

Mold Corn

EnviroLogix is pleased to announce the launch of its newest product in the Flex mycotoxin test kits. Zearalenone Flex leverages all the benefits of the Flex line, detecting and quantifying Zearalenone in corn, wheat, wheat bran, and sorghum.

Other products in the Flex line are Aflatoxin Flex, DON Flex, and Fumonisin Flex.

EnviroLogix Inc. is a producer of mycotoxin and GMO tests that serve the food and feed safety market. The company is the leading provider of GMO tests, and was the first to offer LFD technology for mycotoxin screening in grain. Our focus on innovation and providing solutions in today’s identity-preservation and food-safety environments continues with the introduction of Zearalenone Flex test kits.

For more information about this new product, visit our Zearalenone Flex page. For news and information about EnviroLogix and its innovative products, explore this website or contact the EnviroLogix team.