Multi-Tox Tests Minimize Rising Risks for Grain Elevator Operators

Recent research reveals single-mycotoxin testing as a myopic protocol that can yield serious consequences for the businesses that rely solely upon them.

Our world has changed. If there’s one thing the global COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it’s the need to test for the kind of conditions that could precipitate a crisis like this again.

Though less immediate, there’s another widespread threat to human and animal health that could also endanger any agricultural grain-based business’ bottom line. Mycotoxins that attach to mold spores, dust, or other flying particles present a rising risk that can appear anywhere within the agricultural products supply chain.

Though past mycotoxin-based recalls have hit animal feed and pet food industries hardest, the risk to human health cannot be ignored. The adverse health effects of these fungus-borne toxins range from acute poisoning to such long-term diseases as immune deficiency and even cancer.

Infographic showing how many more trucks TotalTox moves in an 8 hour day
Multi-toxin testing won’t slow you down. Click to see how TotalTox speeds past other tests.

No one is more critical in monitoring for mycotoxins than the grain elevator operators who serve as the gateway between field and factory. Consequently, these same evaluators of incoming stocks are also most at risk for the repercussions from tainted grains that can echo throughout the entire feed and food production line.

Balancing Test & Transport Needs

Grain elevator profitability, of course, rests largely on the need to keep inbound stocks moving, making the balance between grain testing and transport a critical formula for weighing potential risks against operational efficiency. Zeroing in to test solely for the local mycotoxin with the highest probability for contamination certainly seems like a logical strategy for targeting that sweet spot between threats and gains. That spot shrinks, however, when considering global changes to both the climate and grain supply chains that increase the chance of mycotoxins spreading across the planet and through production lines.

Still, many grain handlers take the calculated risk to target only their local mycotoxin threat. But even if that test yields a finding below FDA toxicity limits, there is another factor that can invalidate those results. Recent research reveals single-mycotoxin testing as a myopic protocol that can yield serious consequences for the businesses that rely solely upon them.

From the same sample, you can test multiple mycotoxins and GMOs simultaneously with TotalTox and QuickScan II
Think multi-toxin and GMO testing has to be slow?
QuickScan II offers a simple, shared protocol.

Toxic Cocktails from Multiple Mycos

Numerous reputable studies from sources such as the National Institutes of Health report the regular occurrence of multiple mycotoxins in grain samples. (One 2017 study found that 75% of samples contained more than one mycotoxin.) The effects of these mycotoxin “cocktails” are widespread, diverse, and profound. They fall into four categories, depending upon the toxins involved and the concentrations of each.

“Additive” and “Synergistic” effects are the most common. “Additive” effects can increase the toxicity of these mixtures to produce levels much greater than those yielded by a single toxin alone. “Synergistic” effects are even more dire—with toxicity reaching higher levels than the predicted additive effect noted above.

“Potentiated” effects come from the combination of a benign fungal agent with a mycotoxin, producing toxicity levels greater than when that mycotoxin appears alone. Finally, the only positive effect among these mixes is the “Antagonism” effect, where the combined toxicity of two mycotoxins falls to a level lower than at least one of them.

Failing Scores from Single Tests

A real-world example of this biochemical dance between two of the most common corn mycotoxins illustrates the limits of single-toxin testing and the grain safety standards tied to them. USDA guidelines set a value for the limit of fumonisin in poultry feed to 100 parts per million as the acceptable limit for toxicity. But when combined with aflatoxin (commonly found in grain stocks containing fumonisin) the additive effect has the potential to raise toxicity well above that benchmark.

The chart below gives a statistical glimpse of this story. It shows the cumulative effects of these two toxins that can rise to threaten “cell viability” at a level four times greater than that of either mycotoxin alone. That possibility grants a corn load that passes a single mycotoxin test the potential for the kind of contamination that could present a widespread health hazard—not to mention a lethal blow to the grain elevator that first vouched for its product’s safety.

Chart showing additive toxicity of aflatoxin and fumonisin

Learn more about Multi-Toxin testing!

Along with the hope for a planet that is better prepared for future viral perils, COVID-19 has underscored that our mutual wellbeing is dependent upon both our physical and economic health. Within the agricultural industry, that holistic formula simply means that those who keep our country fed must stay in business to do so.

That mandate has inspired EnviroLogix’ pioneering work in agricultural grain testing since day one. Our new TotalTox tests represent the latest realization of that mission. Their ability to evaluate the contamination levels of up to four mycotoxins at once represents the vital tool that today’s grain elevator operators need. It can provide a single, speedy solution that keeps grain trucks rolling while bolstering the food safety that meets the demands of a challenging and changing world.

Recent EnviroLogix articles about mycotoxins and co-occurrence

What is Malt?

Most likely, you’ve heard malt or malting in reference to beer, but have you ever wondered exactly what malt is?

In general, the subject is malted barley. Malting is the least-familiar part of the beer brewing process, since you won’t see it on a brewery tour. Very few brewers do their own malting but rather rely on maltsters with specialized knowledge, equipment and facilities to produce this crucial ingredient.

Least familiar, perhaps, but quite fascinating, because it harnesses the barley plant’s natural enzymatic processes of converting starch to sugar. The sugars extracted from germinated barley feeds yeast and induces fermentation.

It begins with the selection of barley variety. Brewers generally specify (or work with maltsters to choose) certain barley varieties for a particular influence on their processing and/or finished product. Any new varieties are tested for as long as 10-12 years before being deemed suitable for malting. Maltsters require delivery in pure lots, by season and by growing region; this careful segregation carries through the entire process and ensures consistent, reliable, expected properties for brewing.

Incoming barley is also meticulously inspected for quality and tested for fungal mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON). Sprouted, damaged, or immature kernels; foreign material; and fungal infections and diseases can at the very least produce poor malt, and at worst be toxic.

The malting process itself starts by steeping barley in water for a couple of days. Experienced maltsters have a deep knowledge of all the factors that determine the exact soak time. It is then laid out in a huge room where it is turned regularly for aeration and to maintain a constant temperature, usually around 60°F. This encourages the barley kernels to sprout or germinate.

As this point, enzymes start converting the kernel’s starch reserves and proteins into amino acids and sugars intended to help the barley plant grow. The trick is to stop the germination process at just the right point so that the kernel retains the optimum level of each to contribute to the final product.

Maltster raking sprouted barley, photo courtesy of Allagash Brewing Company
Maltster raking sprouted barley, photo courtesy of Allagash Brewing Company

To stop germination, when the time is right, the kernels are kilned (dried) by slowly raising the temperature to a point at which the process is stopped. How high that temperature is determines the kind of malt produced. In general, the higher the temperature, the darker the malted barley, and the darker the beer will be in the end. Finished malt may then also be roasted at even higher temperatures to affect the darkness and even carbonation of the final product.

The maltsters’ finished product is a dried barley grain full of sugar and starch. Once delivered to the brewery, it is added to hot water to convert the remaining starch into simple sugars. The sugars dissolve into the hot water and can be easily accessed by the yeast to begin the fermentation process.

With the brewers controlling the mixing and matching of ingredients, they rely on maltsters to provide malt with reliable and specific physical and chemical characteristics in order to ensure consistency and quality, in their processes as well as their final product.

Photos courtesy of Allagash Brewing Company, Portland, ME.