Quantify Mycotoxins and GMOs with One Traceability System

QuickScan is a highly flexible and precise strip-reading system that enables grain customers to read GMO, mycotoxin, and allergen test strips in one quantification and traceability system. It provides objective, fast and quantifiable results for mycotoxin and GMO test kits from EnviroLogix.

Grain companies and food or feed processors can now obtain rapid and objective results for TotalTrait Combs for corn or soy, TotalTox mycotoxin strips or combs, TotalTarget allergens, and more. Benefits include:

  • Speed - Read rapid test strips, and record results, in seconds
  • Flexibility - Process single strips, up to four different mycotoxin strips, or an entire GMO multi-trait "comb"
  • Precision - Image processing and a unique barcoding system ensure accurate, consistent results, without the need for recalibration
  • Traceability - Access electronic results instantly for emailing, printing or analysis

QuickScan Software Information and Links

Note: Windows 8 and older users click here.

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How do I know what update and/or version I have?
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In non-GMO / IP environments running QuickScan, the TotalTox strips can be processed simultaneously with the industry-leading TotalTrait Comb for GMOs. Alternatively, up to four mycotoxin strips, individually or assembled into their own combs, can be read at the same time, in seconds.

Introducing TotalTox - the industry's first mycotoxin tests mounted on a common backing; streamline and simplify testing with a common extraction and common protocol.
Click here to learn more.

TotalTox Comb Catalog Page with full instructions.