What is the best way to add the Sample/RB1 to the Master Mix tubes?

What is the best way to add the Sample/RB1 to the Master Mix tubes?

  • To avoid cross-contamination, avoid hovering over tubes when pipetting or creating aerosols during sample set up.
  • Carefully remove caps from Master Mix tubes just prior to adding Sample/RB1 so as not to disturb the pellet.
  • Decant the Sample/RB1 into the top of the Master Mix tube – avoid coming in contact with the Master Mix pellet during this step.
  • Once the contents of the RB1 tubes have been transferred to the Master Mix tubes, cap the Master Mix tubes containing the RB1/Sample with the flat caps provided with the kit. THE FLAT CAPS MUST BE COMPLETELY SNAPPED INTO EACH TUBE.
  • IT IS IMPORTANT TO IMMEDIATELY MARK EACH STRIP OF TUBES SO YOU KNOW WHICH TUBE IS THE FIRST. If you are running more than one strip, you should mark each strip to differentiate the first strip from the second. Do not make any marks on the tubes themselves – place any markings on the outer section of the flat cap strip.
  • Check each cap to make sure it is securely placed in its corresponding tube and tap/flick the capped tubes to mix. MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO BUBBLES AT THE BOTTOM OF EACH TUBE. If there are bubbles at the top of a tube, this is okay.
  • Do not allow Master Mix tubes to sit once resuspended – move to reader ASAP.